Current Projects (partial list)

Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI uses frequency selective radiofrequency pulses to saturate the magnetization of labile protons on proteins and metabolites. The CEST contrasts is very promising for cancer imaging but is limited by technical issues: long acquisition time, qualitative contrast and complex data analysis. The aim of this project is to combine CEST with MR fingerprinting to develop a clinically-relevant quantitative CEST sequence.

MR fingerprinting (MRF) is a rapid method for quantitative mapping of different tissue parameters. Applying MRF in the body is challenging because the effects of cardiac and breathing motion are far more pronounced. The goal of this project is to develop motion-robust strategies to enable quantitative body imaging.

Deep learning methods have recently experienced tremendous growth in popularity due to their effectiveness and ease of use. In this project, we aim to develop deep learning reconstruction and quantification methods to accelerate the MRI reconstruction and further extract clinically useful data from the MR acquisition.